Friday, October 25, 2013

Persevering through the years. (31 days)

When my kids were babies it was sweet and tender. The days were filled with morning snuggles and baby play dates. Afternoons were naps and snacks.
And yet there seemed to be a common theme among the moms. 'Who am I' in light of being someones mommy, diaper changer, Dr. appointment maker?
And now, now that my kids are older, some out of the house and a few still at home, I wonder do I still question 'who am I' in light of being someones, home work checker, chauffeur, guidance counselor?
I can answer that now as my alarm goes off at 6:15 am  not because I have a job to get ready for but for the job that is my home and my people-the people that God has used to blessed my life - I am somebodies mom.
I am the one who gets to wake them with tenderness and breakfast.
I am the one who makes their lunches

I am somebodies chauffeur and guidance counselor

I am still their Dr. appointment maker

I am still the snuggler.

I don't wonder who I am in light of who they are. For they are mine and I am theirs.

Love always perseveres
Through the little years of naps and diapers when you feel that this will be all that life has become to the years of teenagers and puberty. Love perseveres. And when it does through our lives it brings new days filled with God's mercy and grace.

"Love always perseveres." (1 CCorinthians13:7)

"I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2)

1 comment:

tacotuesdays said...

You are all that and...
Child of God, wife of my youth, friend to many, servant and minister of our Lord, friend to many more, and bottom line- a gift from God. Thanks for writing all these days